A right henna care can give best henna stains

Henna tattoos in the modern era are the best replacement to traditional permanent tattoos. Although, henna tattoos have several benefits they also require numerous steps and measures to give a pleasing and beautiful decor to your body by achieving its full color. Maintaining and achieving the best dark and rich henna stain has the same importance as applying the design through henna tattoo cones has.

Organic henna cones

Along with using an organic henna cones , ensuring the quality of henna is of utmost importance. Generally, a henna paste takes almost half an hour to dry enough and not to smudge. Sugar -lemon syrup can be used to keep henna design moist, as longer it stays moist and in contact with skins the better result it shows. Warming henna design can also help in achieving better stains as henna stains better on high body temperature. Never wash off your henna instead rub and brush it off your hand. Avoid direct contact with water and sunlight at least for 24 hours, using olive oil coating over henna stains. Avoid using synthetic moisturizers, oils and lotions too as they make henna stains fade faster.

The color of henna stains starts developing after the removal of henna paste but the darkest color of henna is developed in 4-5 days. Hence, avoid the use of harsh chemicals, bleach, and other cleaning materials to maintain the longevity of your henna stain and design. However, you can bathe and shower as usual.

About Herbal Magic

Its Herbal Magic are pioneers in offering a wide range of authentic organic and natural products at a competitive pricing all across the globe. With our proven credentials in offering high quality herbal and organic hair products in the international markets, we ensure to exceed the expectations of our customers.
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